Thursday, December 6, 2012


...THAT was fun!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Psychopathic Bullying 101 Part II: lessons from a Satirical South African for Acerbic Arushan

So sorry. Life has a way of getting in the way when you have other plans. You know.

No more messing about! Let’s get on with How To Be A Psychotic Bully: 101 Part II.

Acerbic, lick the end of your pencil, get your head down and learn.

Primary to being a successful PB (Master Class – Arsehole Category) is:

The Avoidance of Acceptance of Responsibility.

1. You MUST show evidence of your talents as a PB. This can be achieved by recidivist and childish behaviours and attitudes. Not to mention lavatory humour and the obvious need to say words like: cunt / cock  and talk about sex in as shocking a fashion as you possibly can. And as OFTEN as you can. (If anyone tells you this is childish, ignore them. YOU know better. Of course.)

2. To help you develop this take a turn around the back of any toilet where kids loiter and you will hear the same sort of language and attitudes being played out. Take notes. Use them often in your posts. Remember to add the BWAHAHAHAHAHA we talked about in a previous blog post to show you are only joking. (That no-one else finds you amusing is entirely their problem. You are not to concern yourself with social niceties and, god forbid, you must never relent. It is vital that you establish it firmly in the minds of Other People (OP) that you are a Master PB and will have none of their warped logic or objections. You are above reproach. Remember this.)

(* if you find yourself having a hard time remembering this, make sure you have at least 4 friends and at least one parent who will remember this for you. Make sure you use them to re-inforce this. Remember not to smile whilst they do. Not ever. You do not wish to blow your cover with your allies.)

(** this includes remembering not to smile when being questioned, say, - like during when you are meant to be discussing something that requires remorse. It is absolutely essential that you maintain full control of all your bodily reactions at all times. No matter how pressing the situation may be for you)

3. Remember, please, that a successful PB is someone who appears to be adult (on the outside) but is actually a (somewhat moronic) child on the inside. OP’s might be stupid enough to call you emotionally retarded or even to say you have the EQ equivalent to that of a five-year-old. Or less.  (You must ignore these observations at all costs. Steadfastly refuse to accept such allegations. How dare these idiots assume they know anything. About anything. At all. If they persist in this, call them names. Use your notes from your trip around the back of that lavatory. Repeat yourself. It proves they are wrong.)

(* as also previously mentioned, any logic which seems to escape any of these arguments doesn’t matter. Not to one such as you)

4. You will want to take full benefit of living in the adult world. This is ok. It means you can do all the things you think “adults” do. Travel the world. Meet interesting people. Take cocaine with them. It’s your life, n’est pas!

What you must NOT do, whilst taking advantage of the grown up world, is be willing to accept any of the responsibilities that go with enjoying the benefits of the adult world. Not EVER. In short, you are NEVER to tolerate any notion that you should be required to accept responsibility for your behaviour.

(* it helps if you have worked hard at the cultivation of friends and family who will assist with your quest to never be accountable for your actions. And being the clever PB you are already showing great prowess with, you will have made sure you have a good, strong camp of….ummmm, Acerbees, to coin a phrase. As you should. You are wonderful. Of course.)

When called to account for the way you have chosen to behave, you will instinctively exhibit the following behavioural responses, please:

           a) Denial: deny everything. And I do mean EVERYTHING!

Variations on denial might include Trivialization ("That I might have told a teensy weensy lie, once or twice, is so trivial it's not worth talking about...") or even the Fresh Start stance ("I don't know why you're so insistent that I am an addict. I only use drugs recreationally and anyway, I can stop any old time I want!)  (You need to not allow any of those OP idiots point out to you that there is no other way to use illegal drugs other than recreationally. This point made by any of them is to be ignored. It contains a logic that need not apply. The only logic is your logic. Do not forget this. Ever.)

It is imperative that you abdicate responsibility for any of your actions or words. 

How else are you to be recognised as a PB: Master Class (Arsehole Category)? A good way to do this is to work to divert / distract attention from yourself by using false conciliation. This is SUCH a valid tool. I can’t believe millions of people don’t use it and worse, I can’t believe that, for example, murderers are not allowed to use it as a line of defence:"Look I know I've just murdered 12 people but that's all in the past, we can't change the past, let's put it behind us, concentrate on the future so we can all get on with our lives"

 Retaliation: you will always counterattack. Quickly and Seamlessly. 

Counterattack is most effective if used IMMEDIATELY following denial. Effective use of an aggressive counter-attack using counter-allegations / criticisms, based as much on the distortion of facts or pure and simple fabrication will really show how smart you are.
There are several key elements to this stage and you must use them to full effect: you must lie, use deception, hypocrisy, duplicity and blame.

Your real purpose here is to avoid having to answer any questions about your behaviours / attitudes and thus avoid coming even remotely close to accepting responsibility for your behaviour.

NOTA BENA: (better re-sharpen your pencil, Acerbic, this is absolutely essential to your development)

Both a) and b) are to be delivered with a masterful aggression. Use vicious falsehoods if necessary. This is to be understood by OP’s as you being assertive.

The fact there is no assertiveness (which is, after all, about recognising / respecting the rights of oneself AND others) at all is not something with which you must concern yourself. I know you know this. I just need to check that you do.

      c) You MUST feign victimhood: I cannot stress how important this is if you are to succeed as a PB and to move from strength to strength.

In the highly unlikely event of your brilliant use of denial and / or counter-attack being insufficient, feigning victimhood or persecution through the manipulating of other people through their emotions, especially guilt is remarkable in its ability to help you through.

You can and must, for example, burst into tears, which most people cannot handle and they will therefore start seeing your point immediately and will fall over themselves to support you.

Please remember not to smile whilst anyone is doing this. And definitely NOT whilst dribbling your tears. This is counter productive. Get a grip.

Any OP who DOES NOT fall for your tears is to be ignored. If this does not work, resort to your true-blue time tested use of threats to murder, maim or make pornographic images of…

You may also indulge in self-pity, be sure to feign indignation, pretend to be "devastated", claim YOU are the one being bullied  / harassed.

Also effective are claiming to be "deeply offended", melodrama and a poor-me feigning of sadness. (NO SMILING!)  

By using these responses a successful PB will be able to avoid answering questions honestly, if at all. This will allow you to thus avoid accepting responsibility for anything you may have said or done. Afterall, this was a pattern of behaviour you would have learnt by about the age of 3; MOST kids learn or are taught to grow out of this, but some are not taught to be accountable so by adulthood, this effective avoidance technique has been practised to perfection. It helps considerably if you have parents who are committed to helping you escape accountability. Over and over and over and…

When I next have a spare moment to continue your edumakashun, Acerbic we will have a good look at Reflection, Projection and Validity of Testimony.

In the meantime I am sure you are working hard to practise all these vital attributes of a Psychopathic Bully.

P.S. You are, of course, quite right. I HAVE cut ‘n pasted. From my WORD DOC to MY BLOG. Don’t be an idiot – it’s so disappointing when you have been doing so well with proving what a very clever person you are. Don’t start stating truths now when you have been doing so unbelievable well with utter bullshit fabrications.


Monday, November 26, 2012

But, Acerbic.....

A Going-Nowhere Rhyme

One little 
Two little 
Three little 
How many little ?'s
does it take
to be sure?
Three little 
Two little 
One little 

Have you not yet figured out that I really don't care about several things:

1. Your audience.
 I don't want or need it. Unlike you, I don't need sycophants to make me feel
a whole lot better about myself.

2. Your opinion of me.
You are hardly showing any degree of smarts when you state the obvious about me.
Call me fat - what an astute observation. Pillock.
I have a 4 year old nephew who made the same observation.
We have covered this before - I am impervious to your crap.
Knock yourself out.

3.  Your attitudes.
I will not be cowed by you.
You are a vile and vindictive arsehole. Of monumental proportion.
Do I need to remind you that you have thrown your "worst" at me and I did not cave?
You are a bully and a fool, Acerbic.

4.  Your opinions on my writing.
I do not need your critique.
It will be a cold day in hell before I value the opinions of one such as you
on my blog content.

I don't write for attention. You, on the other hand, are an attention-whore.
I do not write for a literary award.

I wrote to be able to track you, initially. And I did.
I only write to annoy you. And I do.

Mission accomplished.
Times Two.

As Churchill might have once said...

...Most astute of you, Acerbic. 
And I do agree with you.
 I am fat.

But I can lose weight. 

You, on the other hand, cannot change your nature. 

I can shed pounds and become svelte in some months -
 You, my dear, are going to be a complete nutter
 for the rest of your tragic life 
and there is no diet nor amount of exercise
 to expunge that affliction.

How to be a Powerful Psychopathic Bully: Advice to Acerbic Arusha from Satirical South African

It is important to understand that there are degrees of the above. Once you have read through my Guide: How to Become a Psychopathic Bully, you will have the information necessary to decide which category best suits your purposes.

However, you should always remember that a successful PB can slip and slide between categories seamlessly. If you want to be really good, you will note holes in your performances and clean up your act.

Equally important is to remember that other people’s opinions do not matter. Nor do their feelings. You are the only one who matters – and getting as many of your friends and family to throw their collective weight behind this fact is vital to your success.

How you best convince these people to make you Numero Uno is laid out below. If you find yourself applying logic to any point made for you, then you are not ready to be a fully fledged PB.

You will know you have succeeded when friends and / or family will cover for you, brush your transgressions under the proverbial carpet and go about saying things like: But X is such a sweet / productive / kind / smart / blahblah person. You are permitted to smile here. Secretly. You will know they are talking shit because you are none of those things – but as long as they believe them, you are home scot free.

Also important is to have friends / family defend you whenever you are outed or rapped over the knuckles for just being who / what you are. They must say things like this, in your defense: But X is just so devastated / dejected / miserable that anyone should not see that X is sweet / productive / kind…blah blah blah.

When you have a few good friends / family members who can be relied upon to work as shown above you may then graduate to PB: Master Class. The more of these lesser beings you can manipulate and lie to (and have them believe you) the more powerful you are. I know you know this.

I believe it is my sole purpose in life to help you, Acerbic Arushan, achieve the full capacity of your Infinite Arseholery.

Here we go then:

  • You must be a convincing and practiced liar and when called to account, will make up anything spontaneously to fit your needs at that moment
  • Take time to perfect your Jekyll and Hyde nature – be as vicious and vindictive as you can be in private, but all innocent charm in front of people. Especially those you need as your lieutenants. Work hard at convincing them you are sweetness and light personified. Only an idiot would suspect you, and you will have no truck with idiots. Because their idiotude only shows you up and you can’t have that. Be very sure that your Jekyll is good enough to fool as many people as you possibly can...your new employers, a court, any idiot who has you on their Christmas Card list. You must be the only one who knows that Hyde is the real you and that Jekyll is an act
  • Excel at the art of deception. You must make very sure you are never underestimated in your capacity to deceive people. Anyone who thinks they see through you is an idiot. Remember you do not suffer idiots.
  • The use of excessive charm is extremely helpful. You must be completely plausible and convincing when friends, employers or any others are present (charm can be used as a deception as well as doubling to cover for lack of empathy)
  • Anyone serious about their PB abilities will be glib and superficial with excessive use of fine words and lots of "excellent" form – (that there's no substance to anything you “believe in” must escape the attention of others.)...especially at times of conflict. Those who look like they might have one up on you in this department must be avoided. They are idiots, remember. Ridicule them. 
  • On the subject of RIDICULE: Calling people names is important.  If you cannot beat them, call them "Fatty" or your other favourite word "Cunt". Do this often. It shows just how very mature you are.
  • At all times, you must rely on mimicry and repetition to convince others you are both  "normal" and a free-thinking individual / trendsetter, as in extolling the virtues of the latest NGO / Human Rights / Management fads and making solid use of the accompanying jargon
  • As a PB, you must be exceptionally skilled in being able to anticipate what people want to hear and then saying it plausibly. This is especially necessary when needing to convince some poor sucker of your tenderhearted innocence.
  • You must harbour deep prejudices (e.g. against the opposite sex, different sexual orientations / cultures / religious beliefs / foreigners and so on...) – only Idiots think prejudiced people are unimaginative but you are not to concern yourself with this)
  • Key to being a successful PB is the steadfast refusal to be specific and to never give straight answers – but even more importantly, you must be possessed of a Houdini-like ability to escape accountability.
  •  You must exhibit inappropriate and unusual attitudes to sexual behaviour / matters, and bodily functions. You have already been awarded a Master Class (Arseholery Category) Award for activity in this arena as witnessed by your superb blogging as Acerbic Arushan 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and god alone knows how many more re-runs to which we still have to look forward. With aplomb and no degree of hesitation you have revealed that underneath your incredibly charming exterior there are suspicions / hints and oft times downright blatant evidence of sexual discrimination and sexual harassment, perhaps also sexual dysfunction, sexual inadequacy, sexual perversion, sexual violence or sexual abuse.

I suggested at outset that you should not concern yourself with issues of logic in your quest to become the perfect PB.

Of course, I realize I am worrying about this unnecessarily as you will not have the emotional capacity to consider any of the points below as applying to you in any way, shape or form whatsoever. Which is why you are well on your way to becoming a PB: Master Class (Arseholery Honours)

These meanies, who think they are better than you when you know they are not – because, quite simply they are NOT YOU, will say some, if not all of the following about you:
  • You cannot be trusted or relied upon - ever. Every time you open your mouth it is to lie. Again. (Work hard on maintaining eye contact when telling whoppers. This will convince people of your honesty. If it doesn't and they accuse you of being deliberately "starey", tell them how horrid they are and that you have a big, fat log in your eye that makes you look the way you do. This will make them feel bad immediately and start removing the splinters in their own eyes so as to allow you time to recover from this horrible accusation. If you MUST smile during this exercise, please do it secretly.)
  • You fail to fulfill obligations - in work, say, and will sulk horribly when taken to task over any evidence of this. (I know you hate sulking, but you will feel that someone has to do it because, after all, you are above and beyond approach  Don't these idiots know this by now?)
  • You may even be accused of misconduct. Certainly of some degree of what is conidered, in normal circumstance, illegal activity. Like Drugs. (But because you only use them Recreationally and, anyway, just because you are YOU, this is not to be considered an issue. Laws are for Other People. Not You. So stop feeling victimised. Ok.)
  • You are emotionally retarded. Other people will insist you have an arrested level of emotional development. They will argue that whilst your language and "intellect" appears to be that of an adult, a PB like you displays the emotional age of a five-year-old. (Resort to your old favourite here to prove them wrong: Call them names. Often. Make them as vile and nasty as you can.)
  • You are emotionally immature / untrustworthy and are incapable of sustaining intimacy. (Unless it suits your purpose. In which case you can do a pretty good job of showing you care about someone. That Other People are stupid enough to actually believe you is entirely their own problem.)
  • You are an emotional vampire. (See above.)
  • And most audacious of all, that you are an amoral and pathological liar. (When accused of this, lie. Through your teeth. Then compound this effect with more lies. Guaranteed to make people feel entirely comfortable in your company at all times. And if they are ever cheeky enough to object / point out one of your lies - ridicule them. Or cry. Or both. Just don't ever allow yourself to tell the truth.)

Tomorrow we will visit the GURU portion of being a successful Psychopathic Bully.

You will learn more about the characteristics required of a MASTER ARSEHOLE and how you must behave when caught out at something and who to involve in your bid for “freedom” and how.

There is just so much you need to know. You are certainly showing a lot of promise as it is – imagine how powerful you will become if you pay attention and learn to apply all the skills of a Psychopathic Bully.

I am here to assist. As always.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Death on De Nial…

(with apology to Agatha Christia and the inimitable Hercule Poirot)

Several times over the last few weeks (and even months)I have been asked, alternatively, for a posted copy of my statement to the CID police, to name the suspect as I did in that statement and to reveal names of other people involved in the naming of The Acerbic Arushan.

Because I refused to be blackmailed by The Acerbic Arushan into doing the above in a public forum, that person carried out her threats to produce (badly) photoshopped crude images of naked women with my daughters’ faces pasted on to them and post them on her blog.

Several sad individuals took to that stage with some choice words and comments on my parenting and personality. All too predictably.

News travels fast in a small (minded) town such as Arusha and I am given the names of some of those charming individuals who happily added their own special brand of narrow-minded, ill-informed and tacky comment. One or two have even attested to doing so proudly.

It does beg the question: how does one claim pride for writing b-grade abuse – especially when not all the facts are at hand? How does one happily discuss their intention “to fuck me up” and feel that this shows some sterling characteristic in their personality?

I battle with this. I was brought up differently. Where I come from one takes ownership for actions and puts ones name on them. One does not write filth about people – especially when written evidence is far harder to argue away than verbal. And one most certainly does not suggest to anyone who will listen that one will “fuck someone up” – especially when one is a woman. And especially when that woman is reknowned for her tendency for brawling...

The women I know and respect would never hit another person or engage in what are effectively bar-brawls. It’s tacky. It’s decidedly unclassy – and I am pleased to find that, by the default of this ongoing AA affair, I am no longer required to be polite to such less than desirable individuals. Or those who hang around them like flies to carrion.

On the back of this, having worked to get the blog closed down and having stood my ground I now chose to bring a little more information to the table:

It’s widely known that I wrote a statement naming an individual to the local police – and there has been much noise made about this.

What is not widely known and needs to be understood by those thinking themselves heroes for “working on the other side” (along with their ever so classy intentions to fuck people up) is that my statement was not the only one made to the police naming the suspect.

There are people in the suspect’s camp who know this information is absolutely correct.

Independent of me – and for a period of almost 5 months, someone else (name withheld, but will be verified to those brave enough to request follow up) who works within the United Nations in Arusha in a legal capacity had been tracking the “cyber footprints” left by the blogger Acerbic Arushan.
This person, having far more computer acumen that I can ever claim, gathered some thousand or more pages of information, carefully tracked and noted – until she and I met for the first time about a month before this furore broke and compared information.

That we had both started at the same place and worked through the same process was interesting – and even more startling was that we had, independently, arrived at an identical pattern.

It can be, and has been argued – and not least by the suspect and her friends, that my reason for making statement to the police was the result of a reaction / vendetta to and over personal injury to me by that suspect in the form of an affair with my husband.

In fact, I believe, when asked during an interview why she felt she had been targeted, the suspect personally supplied the information that I named her because of an affair she has been engaged in with my husband.

There are a variety of reasons why such “an affair” is laughable. Not least because my husband deplores coke-heads and had, on one occasion, actually threatened to forcibly remove the named suspect and the person from whom she was buying cocaine from our establishment. He has very little tolerance for fools and their friends…

I have had to listen to the wart-like outgrowths on this rumour and to witness the images of our daughters’ faces on pornographic images on the blog for “all the world to see” – simply because I refused to name the suspect in public. For no other reasons than a principal.

I did not need to – other people very happily supplied her name: and one of the loudest – discussing her by name with any and all who would listen, was one of her “best friends” when inebriated (sorry, fall down drunk) yet again and aggressive with it at a local “watering hole”.

Friends like that? They have other “friends” – who then, equally thrilled by their own audacity – pass on information. Some of this information may end up in Chinese Whispers – but a single truth remains within: one of the suspects “best friends” has spoken her name loudly and repeatedly to the general public.

What I need “all the world” – and especially those who have been barking like mad bitches –to grasp is this:

This naming of a person to police has been and is more than just my opinion. The UN legal officer mentioned above tracked, traced and arrived at the same pattern I had – and has made a statement to the police to the effect as well.

Her superiors at the UN know she has done so.

This is just a small part of it all that has been held in abeyance. It’s time that people know that this perceived attack on an individual is based upon more than my own “pet theories” or any other basis that any of you might have put about. There is more evidence against the suspect that simply the ideas / words / whatevers of Kerry-lyn.

Balance your opinions a little now? Try to hold back that judgement as I have asked for before? Reserve your attitudes of denial – there is far, far more information and detail to all of this than the simple, abridged versions of truth you have been dealt.

And the police most certainly have not closed their investigation.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

OH, BUMMER.....REDUX (cheerio, AA)

-----Original Message-----
From: The Blogger Team [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: [#1137237019] Your Request to Google

Thanks for reaching out to us.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The material in question has
been found to violate our policies, and we are working to remove it from
our services.
We appreciate your assistance in maintaining the quality of our products
and hope you will contact us if you encounter these types of materials in
the future.
The Google Team

The Acerbic Arushan gets axed. Again.

So axed that her little backup Acerbic Arusha3 (opened in the event Google shut her SECOND blog down ) has also been removed.

Thanks, Google. And thanks go to the Arusha CID police and Tanzanian National Security officers for the part they have played in assisting me with having The Acerbic Arushan removed. Not once. But TWICE.

All that idiotic blathering from AA about my concerns being only for myself in having the “Hypocrite” post removed?

Whilst she was spewing her vomitus vitriol on her blog – aided and abetted by her tacky little acolytes
 – I was working with Google, the Arusha CID and National Security to get her closed down.

Mission accomplished, SWEETHEART. You suck most majorly.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Dedication to Those who Blow...


With thanks to Eminem


This game's like cocaine

I want this more than anything in the world

Ha, so do I. At least I thought I did.

Got to have it
Yeah, I made it
I’m addicted
Yeah, I’m feigning

This is a beat with no words at first
It's a blank painting
Exercising the mind is brain strength training
Starts off with something, like Shady's an insane maniac,
Yeah, Slim Shady, that's a zany name, ain't it?
Now all you need's an image to go with the name, baby
Wife beaters and white t-shirts, Hanes mainly
It's a long shot, but is it possible there's a lane, maybe?
If not, he's gonna have to come and change the whole game, ain't he?
He wants the fame so bad he can taste it
He could see his name up in lights
Women screaming his fuckin’ name, fainting
Shady did it, he sold out the whole dang stadium
Joe Schmoe made it, he took his Plain Jane lady and his baby Hailie out the trailer

But he ain’t trailing anymore, he’s ahead of the race
While maintaining his innocence
Little does he know, his train is derailing
And he’s about to be raped by this game anally

What would you do for a little bit?
What would you give for a little hit?
For that C.O.C.A.I.N.E.
'Cause once you get in, you don't wanna leave
Got to have it
Yeah, I made it
I'm addicted
Yeah, I'm feigning

You’re operating on all cylinders
Syllables spit like Dillinger’s spilling ya guts

People are feeling ya mic skills, but these haters are ice grillin’ ya
Willing to sacrifice anything for the life that they might steal from ya

Fake friends’ll kill for ya, die for ya
But you can’t decipher “why?” for the life of ya

It wasn’t like this when you were Cypherin’
Argue wit’ your wife again
She found vicodin in your pants last night again
Your dispute’s public, nothing is private anymore
Oh, and your best friend? Say bye-bye to him
What kinda apple you take a bite’a, Slim?
(This is what you wanted Marshall, ain’t it?)
Fuck no!

The way that it turned out was nothin’ like the picture that I painted in my head
Sometimes a dream to make it, it’s more fun than it is to actually make it
The game stripped me naked
It robbed me ever having another real relation-
-ship, with another girl
This world is a fuckin’ trip
‘Cause I slip in another world, proceed, take another hit
Sniff ’til I fuckin’ hurl, tell ‘em all to fuckin’ sit
And spin ’til they fuckin’ twirl, middle finger up again
Relapsing back in this game
Oh well, fuck it, then

What would you do for a little bit?
What would you give for a little hit?
For that C.O.C.A.I.N.E.
‘Cause once you get in, you don't wanna leave
Got to have it
Yeah, I made it
I’m addicted
Yeah, I’m feigning
Start off right
Just to see your name in lights
Just so you can live the life
You take a bite
And lose your sight
They call this (Fame)
You think you good (ha ha)
Just cause you got out the hood
Concerned only with getting dough,
No longer poor but lost your soul They call this.. (Fame)
I hear it callin'
My name is callin'
Why you strugglin'
When you could be ballin'
My head is sayin' yeah
But my feet is stallin'
So many walk in
But any fallin'
But I got to have it
Like Eve and the apple
She had to grab it
I got to take it
I got to make it
That's the plan
And I can't forsake it.

What would you do for a little bit?
What would you give for a little hit?
For that C.O.C.A.I.N.E.
‘Cause once you get in, you don't wanna leave
Got to have it
Yeah, I made it
I’m addicted
Yeah, I’m feigning
('Cause once you get in, you don't wanna leave)

Guess I can't leave then
Guess I'm addicted
Oh well
The Brain on Cocaine vs The Brain on Hate


Friday, October 19, 2012

Anyone stop to think...

...that in refusing to publically post my statement (and names of people involved) as demanded of me by The Acerbic Arushan I am still standing by my word that I would not put the person's name out in public?

Right or wrong, guilty or no - I said I would not do it. And I will not.

That my daughters are now taking the punishment (in the form of the nude pictures with their faces montaged onto them by The Acerbic Arushan and posted on her blog) FOR the fact that their mother will not made a public spectacle of this matter  - nor of that person is not only true - but also unfair.

Not on me, arguably: I may deserve whatever I get - but on our daughters.

Is it fair that they should pay the price for the fact that, as strange as it may seem, I am sticking to my promise to Acerbic Arusha and will not put names out on a public forum "for all the world to see"?

It seems there are some who feel it completely fair.

That there are some people in this community who have bandwagoned on the back of that and have opinions on me and /or my mothering is a sad indictment on the inabaility of some people to grasp the nature of fairness and keeping one's word.

I can't help those reactions in those people- and I certainly will not be cowed by them, either.

Yes, it may well be my fault for taking it as far as I did - and for not backing down. I wont be bullied. Not now and not ever.

I do not expect those of you in our community who are chosing to support the negative views being put about on my parenting methods to understand the full weight of the sacrifice made in not publishing the suspect's name...

That I might suffer for what my actions might have brought to my daughters is true: it does weigh on me - but, again with their love and endorsement, I say I will not be bullied - and I will not give in to the The Acerbic ARushan's blackmail and publically name anyone involved - not even that of the suspect.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

To whom it may concern...

-----Original Message----- and RESENT 17TH AND 18TH OCTOBER, WITH RELEVANT DCMA COMPLAINT FORMS every time the blogger mentioned posts a new image with a montage of one of my daughters' faces on it on her blog - in direct and persistent contravention of copyright laws, inter alia.

From: kerry-lyn []
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 9:39 PM
To: 'The Blogger Team'; 'Denis Gikunda'; 'Leigha Weinberg'
Cc: ''; ''
Subject: RE: [#1134072390] Your Request to Google
Importance: High

To whom it may concern

Thank you for this action (as noted in your communication below this email)  - please note that the blogger Acerbic Arusha2 put the content back up on the blog within hours of Google closing the page down. This in blatant defiance of Google closing the page in question. Clearly,this blogger is convinced that she is above the normal constraints of authorities.

The blogger then proceeded to write even more pornographic posts threatening to use my daughters faces from MY personal copyrighted images as stolen  by the blogger through my facebook account. (url for the album from which images were stolen:!/media/set/?set=a.10150283291921206.380458.538006205&type=3 )

The blogger threatened to use my daughters faces on pornographic images if I did not comply with a demand to publically post copies of my statement to police and the names of all individuals involved in this matter.

This is, in addition to other criminal acts of this blogger, blackmail.

Further, having reinstated the page Google shut down (url for this first complaint:!/2012/10/and-hypocrite-of-year-award-goes-to.html) ,the blogger Acerbc Arushan2 has proceeded to do just that.

See url:!/2012/10/fine-art-nudes.html

I have sent repeated DCMA notices to Google through the relevant online forms each time a new image appears. I understand that Google is inundated with copyright infringement DCMA - but will continue to post such complaints against the infringements on my personal property in the form of photographs of my daughters until such time as Google removes the post / page and, ultimately the entire blog.

I remind you once again that Google has already shut this blogger's first blog, The Acerbic Arushan, down for contravention of Googe's rules on blogging. The blogger persists.

Further, I remind you that there is currently a criminal investigation ongoing on an individual suspected of being the blogger The Acerbic Arushan. All relevant and pertaining information, support documentation, statements and reports have already been submitted to Google in support of this fact. Google has on record the contacts of all police officers and Cyber-Crimes Unit personnel in Tanzania currently active in the investigation.

I will be meeting with my lawyer to discuss taking action on this matter. I have cc'd Mr.XX,  Litigation Advocate,  in on this communication.

Thank you
Yours sincerely

Kerry-lyn Radloff

-----Original Message-----
From: The Blogger Team []
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2012 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [#1134072390] Your Request to Google


Thanks for reaching out to us.

In accordance with the DMCA, we have completed processing your infringement complaint and the content in question no longer appears on the following URL:

Please let us know if we can assist you further.


The Google Team

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Public Statement

The Acerbic Arushan(2) has given me an ultimatum.

Also known as The Acerbic Arushan – as closed down by Google: for hate speech, pornography, incitement to violence, libel, slander and defamation, this blogger then had the audacity to open The Acerbic Arushan2 – on which she has continued to spew filth and abuse and now she had taken it yet one step further. That she clearly has no intention of stopping of her own volition is demonstrated by the presence of The Acerbic Arushan3 – which is set up and waiting in the wings already in event of Google shutting AA2 down as they did with the initial blog.

She has presumed to give me an ultimatum in an "instruction". And her threat if I do not carry her instruction out is one step too far in her depravity.

I know what some people are saying about me as a parent. I understand what and why they are reacting to and about. However, and with the full support and endorsement of my family including and especially my daughters, I state that I will not be bullied by her.

I will not give out the statement on a  public forum and the names of those involved because some lunatic with a God-complex tells me to do so. It is yet another fascinating twist to her psyche revealed in thinking she can presume to make such a demand - and think to get away with it.

I will not be bullied and I will not give The Acerbic Arushan the satisfaction of thinking she is omnipotent.

Those who wish to see this as an indictment on the parent / mother I am may do so. I do not care to bother with "you" on your stance. Those who know me and know the mother I am and the relationship I have with my daughters, and especially is this referred to by my daughters themselves, will understand and support my stance.

This is wrong. The Acerbic Arushan is a very sick and twisted person and to give in to her is to fuel her depraved perceptions of herself.

Judge me as you will.

My initial involvement in that blog was prompted by an over-developed sense of fair play and fierce moral outrage at the damage and injury inflicted on innocent people by the slanderous, hateful spewings of AA. I sought to distract her. I went into that with my eyes open. However, although I acknowledged there would be attacks on me personally for my audacity in openly countering the vitriol she wrote – I was naïve in thinking she would stop with me.

I did not think, for a single minute, that this person would resort to attacking our daughters. I suffer, along with that over-developed sense of fair play, from an infinite belief in the fact that people are possessed of fragments, in not whole parts, of integrity and decency.

I was remiss. My actions in setting myself against The Acerbic Arushan have now resulted in a direct and blatant attack from her on our daughters. I am "guilty" of involving my daughters inadvertently- and have discussed the blog, its contents and current statements from that blogger with both my daughters.

The Acerbic Arushan challenges me thus:

A "clever" if tedious little play on the novel “Sophie’s Choice”. 

She asks me will I sacrifice my children and my family for what she calls my “ego”.


I have discussed this with my daughters – who know me for the person I am. Both endorse what I have already done and am about to do in defying The Acerbic Arushan. I admire their courage in this and their dedication to the fact that there must be fairness and goodness in this world and it must be fought for. The Acerbic Arushan could do with taking a goodly few leaves out of their books.

I have the full support of my husband in this as well.

That The Acerbic Arushan will throw a rage (of such proportion  which can only support the fact that she is mentally unstable) when she visits this page – as she has done on so many, many occasions, is beyond doubt.
That she will resort to carrying out her threats as seen below are also in no doubt:

She demands - demands, mind - from me a copy of my statement to the police, a list of names of all people involved in the situation – and then states she will know if I lie in my information.

Not only is she out of her mind with delusions of grandeur – a God-complex the likes of which I have yet to experience – in demanding that I post all above – she then states she will know if it is a lie.


How would The Acerbic Arushan know if what I wrote was a lie or the truth – if she personally was not fully apprised of events / investigation / all associated information in some manner – which are privy only to those directly involved in thecriminal investigation into the blog and including the suspect herself?

This is a small conundrum.  I DO NOT state categorically that the person in question IS The Acerbic Arushan - and anyone who has been paying any attention at all will have got that already. I ask only that OTHER people also reserve their judgements until such time as this whole things has been cleared up, on way or another.

In true AA fashion, she has worked herself up into a frenzy – thwarted and angry she resorts to violently crude attacks on our children

The Acerbic Arushan knows I will not do as she tells me to for the simple reason that I will not be cowed by her attitudes and psychotic delusions and “do as I am told” by her.

The fact that she actually states she what she will be doing immediately makes a farce of anything she produces out of her sickness – threats and violence are her modus operandi. 

There is also a very real truth in the possibility that The Acerbic Arushan will go ahead and post what she wants to about our daughters - even if I give her what she wants. It would fit the persona and fuel her already dangerous delusions of self-importance.

That she will show the true nature of her illness in the style of retaliation she employs is self-evident. 

Those of you who wish to judge me for insisting I will not give in to her, may do so. With my blessing, if that's what it requires.

The fact is that none of you can possibly presume to know me, know my viewpoints and attitudes fully or to pretend that you know how you would react in a similar situation. Until you are where I am, and can examine your own considerations and conscience about justice and fairness and doing what you feel to be right in the circumstances, I would ask you to hold your reservations, thoughts and words to yourself.

Those of you who cannot and would sit around throwing stones? So be it.

My continued stand against her is supported by my children, my husband, my family and those people in this community who are our friends. 

I cannot speak for the rest of the community nor do I expect their support.

As for The Acerbic Arushan?

I did pity her. I no longer do.

Acerbic Arusha – to hell with you. I will not do as I am told by one such as you. .

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Courses for Horses....

Get a grip - I know it was tenuous to begin with but you are now truly losing your grasp on reason.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Inside Story: Prelude

A Tale for The Not-Faint of Heart...

In the beginning on the edge of "once upon a time" a Daft Old Lady sat knitting.

She may have been tatting. Or perhaps she was weaving. For in front of her glowed a screen and on that screen flickered line after line after line of numbers. And the Daft Old Lady watched them and she pulled the lines of numbers out of the screen and they began to weave together into a singular pattern.

Line after line and number after number the Daft Old Lady called them out to A Friend In A Nearby Place.

The Friend In A Nearby Place watched a screen and saw line after line. Number after number and line after line, The Friend In A Nearby Place called them out to the Daft Old Lady.

And, line after line, number after number they matched. They wove a most singular pattern.

Some way away from these two lived a Watcher.

The Watcher gazed at a screen, too and saw line after line after line after number after number. The Watcher called them out to the Daft Old Lady and The Friend In a Nearby Place.

And they all matched.

And wove into a most singular pattern.

And that pattern had a story to it. It had a lifeline and a gong at the end of it. And the Power of Three had seen the pattern and it went back to once upon a time, somewhere around the middle where The Friend In A Nearby Place had had a Chance Encounter…

…to be continued

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Some Sunday Musings: The Absurdic Beast

I have, in the absence of AA to bait (as she seems to have gone off the radar somewhat), been entertaining myself with a little personal edumakayshun.

I decided today’s attempts to enrich my understanding of the human race would involve:

a) Understanding a little more about the tone of voice I have been using with Absurdia for oh-so-long. 
b) Understanding the effects of b1) hatred and b2) illegal hard drugs on the human brain.

This was a somewhat random decision - selected from the long list of "Things I want to understand about why dumbarses are dumbarses and what makes some of them more idiotic than most"

It is evident when reading Absurdia that there is something missing. Initially I thought she was just playing back and making funnies. I was even a little delighted that there seemed to be a smarty out there who could do this. Gradually it became apparent, though, that the poor creature is a dullard with delusions of smarts. And suffering what I will call, for the purpose of this blog, a monster Superman complex. Or God-complex. Or just plain old Idiotude.

Dear dumbarse Absurdia, in one of her latest little posts (not so subtly disguised as Anonymous) did what idiots with psychoses do – attempted to pass the blame for her iniquities back onto little old me. In psycho-babbly this is known as transference. Predictable, too – so not alarming or surprising. It’s a tactic she has used time and time again: YOU made me say I am going to kill so-an-so….because….umm….because you are such a nasty hater cos you don’t approve of / agree with me. It’s all your fault. I am blameless. For example.

Anyway, not to stress too fine a point on it – it’s just not possible for one such as she to acknowledge any culpability.

I digress.

I thought to share some of my Sunday musing stuff with my audience: Language. The use of.

I have been employing a satirical tone in my correspondence with the idiot. Also irony. And sometimes just plain old aggravating nonsense. There are several forms of satire and irony – most of which were brought out at one point or another in the many months of….uh, discourse.

Naturally, Absurdia took all my pretty words as sign of me being dumb. She told me this so often it began to run like an old and very scratched 45. I saw little point in doing anything except agree with her. Why?

It suited my purpose. That's all.

Let me elucidate: see, there is this thing called Socratic Irony. It’s a simple tool used to simply describe that you're a jerk who ultimately wants to call someone out on their lack of knowledge (Which I'm so doing with this blog). Socratic irony means that you engage someone pretending you have little knowledge, when you actually know more than the person you're asking.

I put that as simply as I could because I have to take into consideration the idiotude of Absurdia who is definitely having a good old read of this blog whenever she can. Just as she has been, obsessively  for some months now. So obsessively, in fact, that it began to read like a reverse Hansel and Gretel thing. Talk about idiotude.

Also, daft old me, I have made use of another useful language tool: Situational Irony.

Ah! The most hilarious, misunderstood and, potentially, arguable type of irony. Situational irony can be described as when something happens that is contrary or incongruent to what someone expected to happen. This is often confused with a coincidence or an obvious chain of events. Here are some examples of each.

"Guess what, this person next to me bought the same dressI did. How ironic." 
No, it's not. It is a coincidence.

"My ex boyfriend was a real arsehole, turns out he was on cocaine. How ironic." 
Again, fuck no, it isn't. This is just an obvious outcome of an obvious cause. 

"I just found a fire water hydrant that shoots fire. How ironic." 
Well done, leper. Nobody would have expected this to happen, so indeed - it is ironic.

Situational irony is commonly mistaken for bad karma. For example, you're at a picnic in the country side. You spot a fine piece of fellow and decide to try to hit on him. Unbeknownst to you, he's in the Chinese mafia and 27 ninjas leap out from behind a bush and ninja star the crap out of you before you can say "Nice pecs."

It's unlucky, yes. Bad karma? You could argue that. But what it really is, is ironic because you couldn't have seen it coming and it makes no goddamn sense.  At a picnic in the country, for the love of God?

One could apply this to Absurdia – but only because she was suffering too big a Superman complex and so couldn’t have seen it coming….blah blah.

So when it did? Does she protest? Hell, yes. Does she miss the irony of the situation? Fuck yeah! Does she try as hard as…..well, just hard – to exculpate herself? Damn straight she does.

Let me explain why.

In the movie Pulp Fiction there is a scene that explains almost every ghastly, horrible thing happening in the world on the news. It's not the part where Ving Rhames shoots that guy's pecker off. It's the scene where the hit man (played by John Travolta) talks about how somebody went postal on his car, and then says:

"Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. 
It'd been worth him doing it, just so I could've caught him doing it."

That last sentence says everything everyone should understand about mankind.

The statement is totally illogical - revenge is supposed to be about righting a wrong. But this character WANTS to be wronged, specifically so he'll have an excuse to get revenge.

We all do. It's in our genes. It’s fight or flight. It’s primitive. And once you come to terms with that, a whole lot of ugly things about the world start making sense. And you can then attempt to facilitate the bigger part of your brain, the part that separates you from the limbic, atavistic responses of animals – and be more, well….more human. That’s what being human is all about. Innit?

This, however, is not something that a person like Absurdia has the capacity to grasp. She is dumb. Seriously dumb.

And so dangerously not normal.

Here’s why – and, please ,indulge me. Even if it doesn’t apply to you – or to you, or even you – I need you to relax and work with me on this. All will become clear. It’s so you can understand the nature of the “Absurdic Beast”.

Think about the worst argument or fight you were ever in.

Now think about the last time you snorted cocaine.
 (Yes, yes, I know. Maybe you don’t. Just get with this programme for a minute so I can show you what I mean. Assume, please, for sake of this exposition, that Absurdia is a coke-head, ok. Just assume it. Add it to the mix of other more glaringly obvious quirks of her untidy little mind.)

Ok, so think about the worst fight. Think about the last blow of snow.

Ever notice how similar the rush was in both instances?
(Maybe you couldn't tell, if  you were busy experiencing both of these on the same night at the same time. 
In which case, you would have the huge potential of being a real arsehole).

See, it's basic biology, ok.

As a simplification in explanation:  An experiment was conducted where scientists found that angry use of expletive actually soothes physical pain. It doesn't mean that someday they'll prep you for surgery by injecting you with motherfuckers and buggerbollockstitsbum; it simply means that when we get really angry, our body releases the painkiller hormone norepinephrine.

Bear with me, it will make perfect sense - the emotions we call "anger" and "hate" are a part of our evolutionary fighting instinct, preparing us for the battle. This norepinephrine pumps us full of “anesthetic” to block the potential of pain and at the same time, our amazing selves release the pleasure chemical dopamine to settle us, ease our fears about fighting the lion / tribesman / whacked out idiot who is threatening us.

And incidentally, these are the exact same two chemicals that are released when you snort cocaine.

Quite simply, hate gets you high.

Now imagine throwing something like cocaine, the Superman complex drug of note, into the mix. What you get is a beast that thinks it is superman. High on hate and possibly even drugs this beast dons the underpants of immorality and  flies in the face of what is decent.

You get something approximating Absurdia.

And, even assuming Absurdia does not have a nasty little case of snow-nose, she patently does have a terminal case of hate going on.

This should help everyone understand why she is such a vicious person. She is a hateful, hate-filled hater.

With knobs on!

Here endeth the Sunday lesson: tune in again next time to get a little more insight into the “Absurdic Beast”

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Note to Mtega

Hi "Mtega"

I see you have graced my blog with your presence today again.

You have no doubt seen my email address - I'll give it again so there can be no mistaking it:

As a blogger /journalist of integrity I am sure you would be interested in more details than you had for your blog with re: Acerbic Arushan 2 - which has been, no doubt because of caution from the blogger, so tame by comparison with the spite, vitriol and blatant death threats, impersonation, crudity and flagrant untruths posted gleefully and at will by the same blogger on Acerbic Arushan.

Yes, it has been removed. Yes, one can access cached screen dumps of the various posts - but if you are interested in the content of posts made on these blogs by the Acerbic Arushan that support all of the above aspects of violation - I have them all on record and would be happy to share.

And given that you made free use of a direct link to a blog on my page in which I made flagrant use of the same satirical tone I have used in all communications with the blogger AA, perhaps you owe me the small courtesy of real journalistic integrity in going to source?

Yours sincerely

Kerry-lyn Radloff

On Lurking...

Perhaps I am an old stickler. I was raised that if one had something to say one stood by it - or one kept one's thoughts and opinions to oneself.

I cannot deny that I am a loud-mouth with many opinions. I can be as abrasive as all hell, too. Probably any number of other equally unflattering things could be added and say it as you will - there remains one single truth throughout.

If I think it - I put my name on it.
If I say it - I put my name on it.
If I act it - I put my name on it.

At least, in that way - ALWAYS - anyone can confront me because they know exactly where any of my actions or opinions have come from.

I know it would be asking a little too much of most people to afford me the same courtesy: by all means and please - do tell me your opinions. Belabour me with your thoughts. Yell, stand on your head - scream it form any old rooftop - but show your face and give your name.

There is something suspiciously horrible and infinitely insecure about people who will make noise - even when they do not necessarily have all the facts at hand - especially when they do not - and will not own their opinions. It's sneaky. Its cowardly.

Seriously, people - bring it on - I have openly offered up my contact email, although most of you know where to and how to contact me anyway - but not one of you is brave enough to write to me or speak with me "face to face",so to speak. Shame on you.

If I felt I could be arsed with this, I could drill down through all the info I am getting and find a few "names" to attempt to broach a conversation with - take today only, as a for-instance:

I know I am being visited by people using Habari in Arusha - 7 people using Habari, in fact, have visited this site today.
I have been viewed by 3 people using a 3G VODA card,, someone from Kampala has popped in no fewer than 3 times today already and, not to make too fine a point on it, some 5 other folk have also come to have a look.

I can locate almost as-near-as-dammit where many of the visitors are originating from and what machines they are using to scan this blog...

So, I know some stuff.....had I the time and the inclination, I could  narrow it down to more direct information. I can't be bothered.

I am sick and tired of the crap that has come out of all of this: people were hurt and some very nastily. Death threats were blatantly made, vicious attacks on people's sexuality were made - and all of these have been protested against by the blogger calling herself Acerbic Arushan as being 100% genuine.

What a load of unmitigated and venomous bullshit. And, in my opinion, all the worse because AA hides behind a facade as "she" hurls vitriol and abuse at people.

It remains that some people will stick to their guns in negative opinion of me - there is nothing I can nor wish to do about that. Others will hold their peace until they have more information to go on - and that's as it ought to be. Some will agree with me - yes, it's true. And maybe, just maybe, when all this is over - some will find the courage to talk openly and honestly with me.

I do not need to defend myself.

I promised at some point in the whole debacle that I would find out who the AA was - I told her directly. She taunted me on it (along with death threats to me and my husband,inter alia). I promised AA on her blog (and again on this one) that I would not put her name out into the public air.

I still have NOT done so.

AA knows this and knows I know this.

Any information anyone has "out there" from which people are now building sides and spewing crap over has not originated with me. Everyone has the right to privacy until such time as it is deemed otherwise by powers greater than me - should it ever be deemed so.

I have to finish by saying that, in large part, I don't care about the nastiness of some people: it does not come as surprise. It would be surprising if there was none.

In small part, for those who have the common sense to not take sides nor form opinion so quickly, it is with the utmost sincerity that I insist that I have not deliberately set out to catch a "thief" by pinning it on someone - as the rumour mills would have it. Nor have I deliberately set against any one person "because I suspect my husband of having an affair with that person" - again as rumour would have it: which rumour most definitely did not hit the airwaves from me.

I am obsessive about fairness - which is why I got involved in the first instance. It bothered me beyond countenance that someone could so brutalise people whilst hiding away.


I am truly tired and sick of all this. It will all be as it will be - in the long end of it.

A Lesson From Penguins

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hoisted With Your Own Petard

The word hypocrisy comes from the Greek ὑπόκρισις (hypokrisis), which means "Jealous" "play-acting", "acting out", "coward" or "dissembling”.

By definition a hypocrite is:
(1) A person who engages in the same behaviors he condemns others for.
(2) A person who professes certain ideals, but fails to live up to them.
(3) A person who wants to appear bold but will not take ownership of things said or done whilst criticising others for what they perceive a being hypocrisy.
(4) A person who holds other people to higher standards than he holds himself.

A simple way to explain it would be:

Someone who hates it when people do certain things or talk shit about other people but they do it themselves.

Tracy: Omg, I hate it when people talk about others.
Karen: Right?... Oh Look here comes Lauren.
Lauren: Hey guys!
*walks toward Karen & Tracey*
Tracy & Karen: Hey Lauren!
Tracy: Oh, you look lovely today, Lauren...
Lauren: Thanks. Look, I gotta run. Sorry I can't stay and chat, it was nice seeing you.
*walks away*
Tracy: Bye.
Karen: See you around.
Tracy: *turns to Karen* Omg, did you see the dress that she's wearing? It makes her look like a whore!
Karen: *looking at Tracy with a blank stare* You are a fucking hypocrite.
*walks away*

A little less hypocrisy and a little more self-knowledge can only have good results in respect for our neighbour; for we are all too prone to transfer to our fellows the injustice and violence we inflict upon our own natures.

Jung, 1966: par. 28. NOT Radloff, 2012! 

Mea culpa, maxima was most remiss of me - and it is true that I am far too dumb to actually write such a comprehensive sentence.
(thanks for reading my blog tho - I couldn't write without guidance.)

I was even more remiss than I had previously thought: I was given this instruction: " Next time you copy something straight from Wikipedia be sure to include the reference numb nuts!"

so, just to be accurate, I reference NUMB NUTS! 

In the end, it is hypocrites who are said to be "hoisted with their own petard".

A Letter to Sheep...

TO all and sundry reading this blog and / or commenting on Absurdia's blog:

Far be it from me to protest too much on any perverted point that anyone may wish to raise
 - however,
 - and this is huge HOWEVER...

Should you be feeling your oats so wildly as to post comment about me
Dig deep
and find the balls
to put your name on your comments

If you do not have the courage to take responsibility for what you think 
or have to say by putting your own name
 to your comments / thoughts /opinions 
- be quiet.

Taking ownership for things is part of a healthy mindset - 
and, despite the furore out there, 
I have never pretended to anything or any person
other than whom I am.
And I am not likely to start now.

 Should you wish for information - damning or otherwise,
 have the common decency and the courage 
to make direct contact with me. 

Otherwise, keep your opinion to yourself 
because by employing anonymity you smack awfully much of the AA herself
 - anyone can be a hero and take a stance from that cowardly standpoint.

Until then - grow some.

As I signed, always, on that blog...

Kerry-lyn Radloff