Sunday, September 30, 2012


…wtf is going on?

Seriously. Wtf is going on here?

It seems like almost every day we have yet another bit of crapola from Absurdia acting like a …I don’t even know what a good analogy is. Like a vindictive and victimized  fool delighting in making other people feel bad. She has and does claims this is justified, that she is Taking A Stand.

So let’s get this straight, and let’s say it in boldface so there is no mistaking it:

You are not Taking A Brave Stand when you “out” people on the internet, no matter how rude or nasty you may think that person has been. You are not Exposing Their Crimes At Great Risk To Yourself. You are not a Miraculous Crusader For The Rights Of Others. You are not Karen Silkwood. You’re not even Woodward & Bernstein. You’re just an idiot with no perspective, to be honest. Your inflated ego and your illness allows you to dismiss your idiotude.

And you should be ashamed of yourself.

Ever hear the phrase “Two wrongs don’t make a right?” Why don’t you think for a minute about what that means? Even IF we take what you write as a defense of your “actions” at face value…

How exactly is “outing” people on the internet HELPING anyone? How are you making yourself look like anything but a miserable, bullying piece of shit? How are you doing anything but making the tension in reader-writer relations and the community at large WORSE?

You’re not a hero.

You’re a hypocrite.

Apparently “outing” people from behind the veil of anonymity. Yelling at people for daring to express opinions while behaving as if every word you type is precious and golden. Deciding it’s your place to attack people you deem “bullies.”

You think you’re “the good guy” here - that the answer is to jump in and out-disgusting the people you feel are disgusting.

Actually, the answer is not to forget your responsibilities to other people.

The answer is not to create websites so full of vile slime and attacks, websites that deliberately try to disrupt lives and could potentially incite violence. Websites that “out” mothers with children in their homes and potentially encourages people to harass them, that offer cash to the first person who carries out an act of violence, that potentially destroy careers and livelihoods – websites that turn the stomach and then pat yourself on your smug back like you’ve just Scored One For The Good Guys.


You are, in fact, the opposite of that.

And on the back of that: I have said I will put the name of Absurdia (aka Acerbic Arusha 1 and 2 (and 3 hanging in the wings) on my blog when I know who this person is.

I am almost 200% certain of who this is.

However, despite the threats I will “OUT” this person on my blog – which were, in effect merely a means by which to keep Absurdia making constant hits on my blog so information could be garnered, I will not.

I will not become Absurdia.

The answers will be sufficient unto themselves ultimately and I need not go any further.

The end.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blah Blah Penguin...

There's a brand new fitness program going on. A program that sort of just took off on its own without any goals or leadership from this blogger. Although how that might be possible, this blogger has yet to establish. Information will be forthcoming, following research. If this blogger can be arsed to get off the sofa and actually do that research.

Anyway. This fitness program is for the birds, but it carries a lesson for all of us.

Penguins. Penguins are supposed to swim. In fact, some penguins were seen taking regular dips in the pool to cool off and keep their feathers sleek. Ah, ain't life grand. Lie around, eat, swim, rest, eat, swim, relax, eat, swim.

Until a new "bodybuilder" penguin moved in. The newcomer jumped into the pool and swam. And swam. And swam. In fact, that penguin kept swimming laps all day long. Day after day.

The newcomer would start early in the morning and keep swimming in circles until it would "stagger" out of the pool at dusk. What is most amazing, though, is that the penguin convinced the others to join in. Hitherto "non swimming" penguins are now swimming the whole day through like commoners.

What is the secret to the penguin’s success ? I don't speak "penguin" very well, but I think I overheard the following conversation:

"C'mon, what are you, a penguin or a rock?"
"Why, I'm a penguin, of course."
"You don't look like a penguin. All you do is sit around like a rock."
"That's not true. I swim ... sometimes."
"Ha! A true penguin swims all day long. Pepperoni!"
"Hey. I'm a real penguin, too."
"Who you shouting at, Percy?"
"That swimmer with too much adrenaline in his feathers. He says I'm not a real penguin because I don't eggplant enough."
"Oh, yeah? We'll show him, won't we, Percy?"
"You bet! Uh, how?"
"By out-swimming the showoff penguin." 
"Oh, oh. I guess I better get swimming right creamy teacups."

OK, so I may be a little off on my translation, but somehow that penguin changed the entire lifestyle habits of the others.

The point is not that the penguins have learned to swim, which they had always been doing as a leisurely pastime, but that they are now in full aquatic stampede mode ... and that they were convinced by the one to change their entire lifestyle. How did the penguin do it?

Well, I was suspicious about that new penguin. Everyone knows that penguins come from Antarctica. Last I could recall, I am nowhere near Antarctica. Sure, it's cold here this time of year, but not THAT cold. My atlas confirmed that I am indeed still in Tanzania, not in Antarctica, meaning that that penguin was foreigner, perhaps a victim of persecution – a refugee from its homeland.

So this foreign penguin has come in and motivated local penguins to live up to their full ... ah ... penguinhood. What an accomplishment! What success! And what great lessons we can learn from this.

Lesson number one: don't be afraid to try new things and accept outside influences.
Lesson number two: be a penguin not a rock (unless, of course, you are a rock).
And lesson number three: don't give up. If one penguin can whip  homebodies into shape, imagine how you could kick-start your own fitness program (or any other goal you set your mind to.)

Now, you might be asking yourself: WTF is this blogger on about with all this Blah Blah Penguin stuff?

A valid question.

See, I have studied penguins. All manner of them. And they resemble people more than…say, a rock (as suggested by the foreign penguin above)

People can out-penguin a penguin. Anytime.

Not necessarily in the swimming pool, though. More in the Absolute Penguinism Of Life.

Again you might be asking: WTF?

It’s simple. In the same manner the rock-like penguins followed the new, more frenetic penguin and became just like them, so too do people.

People look around and go: WTF?

They go: Bugger! That human is doing something I’m not. I’d better get with the programme. And stop being a rock. Because I am not a rock.

Am I?

Well, no.Though some people might be more rock than penguin, even. But that’s for another story…

Where am I going with all this penguinistic talk?

See, sometime ago a complete nut who revealed a serious narcissitic underskirt beneath her borderline psychotic overshirt started a blog. It was interesting. In the way that nasty specimens can be interesting. But see, how does this come to penguins?

Easy. People started following that blog – fascinated. Like penguins they began to swim. Soon, penguin people the world over began following that blog. Some, like THIS penguin person actually bestirred themselves long enough to make comment on said blog.

Yes. I admit.I too am a penguin. I started to swim.

And in my swimming I made a promise. I promised I would dive deeper than the rest of the penguin people and find out the identity of that evil blogger who started it

Always useful that. YOU STARTED IT!

That gives a justification to anything that might then ensue. I believe I covered this argument in a previous blog so will leave it at that.

And so, in diving deep and deeper I found a ROCK. An embedded rock at the very bottom of the pool. Right down where the shark shit floats.

That rock had something like hieroglyphics all over it. Not especially brilliant ones, nor especially creative, either, but there nevertheless. And I have followed them to the …ummm….heart of the rock…

This penguin person knows the rock. It’s become all too easy to see the rock for the penguins. And, boy, that rock better learn how to start swimming like the rest of the pond if she wishes to continue hiding.

Here endeth the first lesson in Blah Blah Penguins.

Do log on to see the next little Epistle According to Penguin – sooner or later the rock will be revealed.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

HANGMAN cont...

No clue as to the first clue?
and no players?
Oh dear!
It's a head
I have to draw
If you play the game
and guess the name
Soon AA will be "dead"

Second clue - although in no espeical order of letters, as before
You will find me in envelope and in heel
Though not in victim nor in probation
I might lurk in ecstasy or even in glee
If you think hard, twice you might find me

Friday, September 21, 2012

MORE ADVICE on Blog Writing to AA from SSA

Well, yes, I have been very bad and have skipped posting for a while. Because unlike AA – who blogs like a master, I actually have a life. So there.

Anyway. Let’s get to that blog, shall we?

And give some advice on how AA can use the momentum she claims to have gained through her special program of "own posting in support" (we'll call these sockpuppets for the purpose of this explanation), insults, lies, threats, and general tantrum-throwing to truly cement her place in the Bloggers Stratosphere.

Why is your own blog so important?

Because, duh, if you don’t take the battle to your own blog, you run the risk of the situation – and the ATTENTION – dying down. Also, being on your own blog will add credence to your lies about how many people are looking at you / your post and how they’re all rushing to read your blog in support of it. If you’re on someone else’s blog how could you know this?

But on your own…hell, even if the hit counter you have up indicates only, say, 2,000 hits more than it showed when the whole mess started, you can still easily claim 250,000 people checked out your site and blog per day, and of course, most of them support you. This must be true. It’s on your blog so you can’t lie.


You start by writing your own NEW blog post, in which you simply tell the truth and nothing but the truth about how those “Evil Others” have injured, damaged, and hurt you personally.

How they have ganged up on you and left you bereft. How your innocent attempt to point out the error of their ways was taken amiss – an attempt those ungrateful bitches will never admit how much they appreciate. But we all know they do deep down because all idiots like having their idiotude pointed out. (How the hell else are they going to learn, right?)  All has suddenly snowballed into the most vicious type of aggressiveness against you.

This will be 100% true, because we all know how the “Evil Others” run their carefully orchestrated campaigns. I believe they have learned to do this by studying the writings of Purple Ronnie and Mao So Hung, because there is of course no way they’re smart enough to orchestrate something of this nature on their own. Hence, you have a whole cabal of EO, sitting in front of their computer screens, overeating in a vain effort to silence the gnawing pain of Not Being A Blogger Like You and cackling madly while they shout, “I’ve got you now, you magnificent son-of-a-bitch! I READ YOUR BLOG!!”

Now, for the first time ever anywhere, I will outline for you the exact methods these EO mafiosi use to discredit and attack you:

ALL of these things can and should be addressed on your own blog.

I recommend you begin by using that most mature and guaranteed-to-win argument ever: They Started It.

Hey, if they hadn’t been mean about you, you never would have been forced to jump in and defend yourself, right? And they did that knowing how much it could hurt and harm you. They did it just to ruin your life and, especially, to attract your attention. That’s all they want, is for you to notice them.

So first, you point this out. How you were attacked and wounded. Say whatever you want, because the fun isn’t in this initial post – although you must make clear how hurt you are, and how disappointed that they have failed in their responsibility to you. Real Fun will come in the comments.

See, at least one EO is bound to take umbrage at this. Like all stupid people, they get very offended when their stupidity is pointed out to them, even gently. Which you will not be, if you know what’s good for you, because gentleness doesn’t get your stats up.

So one or two of them will make some moronic comment about how disrespectful you’re being. This is typical of them; they try to make everything about themselves when we all know it’s actually about YOU. Simply let them know that you’re not falling for their attempts to pretend they’re the injured party. You know why they’re on your blog, and it’s because they’re having too much fun attacking you to go away. All you’re trying to do is set the record straight and here they are quoting you and picking at you like the dirty vultures they are.

Your post must contain a large amount of self-justification and references to both the stupidity of the EO AND how many better things they should have to do with their morbid littlelives AND their bad taste. AND, of course, their meanness, which is what this is all about.

A good way to do this is to mention the names of others in as foul a light as you possibly can.

This is guaranteed to make the EO see you as the delicate flower you are, and they will understand how little you deserve to have them express an honest opinion about your blog that is not 100% positive. Anything you do or say on your blog must be respected and accepted as The Truth. Because YOU wrote it. How dare the EO’s presume anything less.

Once again, it proves that you’re not a crazy egotist, you’re not unable to accept criticism, you’re just a sensitive and extremely talented little snowflake trying as hard as she can to make it in this big scary world, and the EO have unjustly targeted you for ruination simply because they get off on such things.

You also must – and this is so, so important  –NEVER LET THE MATTER DIE. EVER.

The name of the game is “Attention at Any Cost,” and you must make them pay for what they’ve done to you. Make the biggest stink you can. Start leaving abusive comments on every post they make on your blog. Threaten them. Threaten them some more. REALLY threaten them.  Apply more pathos.

If you’re really committed to becoming a huge hero, you’ll try the following:

*Write more blog posts. Write several a day, exposing them for the scum they are. Discuss in great detail how they gang up and bully bloggers like you, who did nothing to them except try to share a piece of your heart with the world.

*Make great and excessive use of things like “HAWHAWHAW!” I would have recommended “LOL” for expedience in most situations, but HAWHAWHAW is just as useful.

And most of the time what you’ll want to use “HAWHAWHAW / LOL” for are things that are not only not funny, but that no one would ever consider funny EVER. For example, you could say “Oh, well, I’m just joking LOL” and it’s not really funny, but one can see where the “LOL” just might fit in as an indicator of sarcasm or you being arsehole-y-ish gleeful about your arseholehood.

Remember, if it makes sense or is something any actual human being would actually laugh at, “LOL” is probably wrong.

I recommend “HAWHAWHAW” also for when you’re being a straight-up dick. Like, “What makes you dumb bitches think you have a handle on the world around you? I alone hold that in my hand HAWHAWHAW” .That way you can later pretend you were joking and man, it’s not your fault they have no sense of humor. (“HAHAHAHA!” is best left for threats.)

*Take their comments and comment on them out of context. You should take screenshots. It doesn’t matter if they’re quoting you calling them fiendish fuckheads. The point is, you have an image where one of them says the phrase “fiendish fuckhead.” Therefore they called you that and no one can prove any different. (Make sure you delete their comment immediately after screenshotting it.)

*Make up other screenshots/posts. The beauty of allowing anonymous comments on your blog is that YOU can post anonymously, too! Of course, you’re already doing so with your supportive “friends”, but don’t overlook the potential there. You can easily post attacks to yourself for all to see. And once again, not only can no one prove you’re not doing this, they’re too sheeplike and dumb for the idea to even occur to them!

*Inform everyone that you’re receiving private death threats. This will not only invoke their sympathy and make them see how they’ve gone too far, it will also prove to them your omnipotence (don’t worry about the potential logic issue with this; they certainly aren’t capable of seeing it). As they cower in fear, your name – and blog – will be imprinted on their brains, forcing them to read your blog even if they don’t think they want to. They do. Why? Because YOU are dominant, and you have proven it, and now they will submit. EO, being weak little fools, are guaranteed to roll over and do what you want once you take a firm hand.

*Hunt down every comment they make about you anywhere. Post long blog posts about them. Use HAWHAWHAW as often as you can.

*Don’t forget to punctuate all of this with more statements about how hugely your VIEWER STATS are rising with every passing second, how they have all made you famous, and you couldn’t pay for that kind of publicity so you thank them.

This will make them feel foolish and, of course, prove to them that they have been outsmarted. That works especially well if you begin informing them that THIS is what you expected all along, that you orchestrated the whole thing just to expose them and their evil scheming, and that they have played right into your hands and showed the world who they truly are.


Saying this is proof that you are a Winner

*And, as your last, bold move to Win It All, you must delete everything. Just delete it.
This will leave them guessing and wondering, delighted and amazed. This will leave everyone talking about you. You’ll become a legend: the Amazing Vanishing BLOGGER. They’ll debate about you for YEARS.

And you will have cemented your future forever. You, dear Absurdia, are a hero.

P.S. Then Re-Invent Yourself. And post the same shit. Always follow the same procedures. Do Not Deviate. It worked before. It will work again.
P.P.S. In the horrific event of Your Blog being shut down by the Powers-That-Be accept this as a horrifying slight on your integrity, morals and character. Understand that these so-called Powers know not what they do. But, remember, yours is not to Forgive. Yours is To Wreak Revenge.

Therefore, revert to P.S. Re-Invent Yourself.
(In event of P.P.S. re-occurring, simply repeat P.S. – ad nauseum. Do Not, under any circumstances, think to Break The Cycle. Remember, the EO’s know nothing about anything, are just nasty meanies without a single clue about life or anything like that that you don’t Teach them. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat…)

(and if I have to explain what satire is I might start screaming…)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


First clue....
though the answer to it is in no particular order in the final analysis
I am in apple and also in apricot
But in fruit like litchi I am not
What am I?


Hang Man Coming...

Before we move on to Part Two of SSA's Scintillating Blog Advice to AA
- let me announce that there will soon be
a goodly game of HANG MAN
 to be played on this blog...

It goes like this:
 I will throw clues out
and leave blanks to be filled in
with relevant letters from the alphabet.

I will do a little of this at a time - so to protract the pleasure I will get
from finally revealing the reason for
the cryptic title of this blog:
 T.I.A. (Baby!)

Please feel free to join in at any time
- or just keep quietly watching
 from the sidelines
as I know you are.

Thank you.

I look forward to playing.

Monday, September 17, 2012

BLOG WRITING: personal advice for Absurdia from SATIRICAL SOUTH AFRICAN

Okay, guys. We all know it’s hard to get attention out there. And we especially all know just how…well, how goddamned unfair that is, right? After all, you are special. You deserve far, far more than you’ve been getting…

I am here to personally advise Absurdia upon “How To Become Famous On The Internet”

First, let’s establish a basic or two. A couple of things you need to know; The Players, as it were:

1. YOU. You wrote a blog. Maybe you decided to overstate your case on it. Maybe you went the “shock / horror” route. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is:

You wrote a blog, and that means you deserve huge fame and proves you are automatically superior to all those lesser beings who either did not write blogs or did not write good blogs (i.e. they did not write YOUR blog). It especially makes you far superior to those pesky beings called “readers,” but we’ll get to them in a minute. For now, this is all you need to keep in mind:


Do not forget this

2. Now. What is it you deserve, because you wrote a blog? Why, fame, fortune, adoration…just the basic things, of course. Certainly you deserve NOTHING BUT PRAISE. Which leads us to…well, The Adversary. We’ll call them readers:

Readers: Vicious, cowardly, stupid beasties. You must beat them at all costs.

I can hear you already. “But aren’t readers, you know, the people who give me credit for my work and stuff?”

Yes. Yes, they are. That doesn’t mean you have to be nice to them, stupid. In fact, it’s best not to. Here’s why:

A. Readers are not smart, ever. They learn nothing by doing that reading thing. Certainly they are not as smart as you. Hey, I don’t see them writing blogs, the losers.

B. Readers cannot be trusted to recognize your talent. They can’t be trusted to always love your work and praise you. This horrifying situation must be remedied.

C. Readers – I can hardly bring myself to type this, even – cannot be trusted to keep their mouths shut when they do not like your blog. They seem to think that reading your blog gives them the right to say whatever they like about it, even if – man, this is hard! – even if it is not praise. The nerve of them, I know. Please sit down for a minute to get over the shock. Just breathe.

D. They compound all of these errors by thinking that just being able to read makes all of this okay, even though they have not written blogs of their own, and therefore cannot understand the fragile and special bond between a writer and her BLOG. Or all the hard work that went into that blog. How the hell do they know what good writing is? Really. I ask you. Idiots. I bet they think they’re capable of judging whether or not a meal is well-cooked even if they are not professional chefs, or whether a car runs even when they are not mechanics, or whether an airplane flight is enjoyable even when they are not pilots, or whether an item of clothing provided adequate cover even though they are not seamstresses. Everybody’s a fucking expert these days, you know? Sheesh. I’m telling you, they are a scourge.

E. Worst of all, readers seem to not realize that their job is solely to love and promote your blog–and by extension YOU. It’s like they think they’re totally separate people from you as a writer, like they don’t have some sort of obligation to you because you wrote a blog. They actually don’t think they owe you anything at all, if you can believe that arrogance. They actually think, even, that you shouldn’t tell them what to do or treat them like you expect the deference you so richly deserve. It’s like they’re just walking egos thinking you should let them have opinions of their own or let them talk to each other about your blog without you butting in or whatever.

Anyway. Now we have the basics. Let’s get started.

The most important thing to remember is that everyone in the world sees everything on the internet every minute of every day. This is key to your promotional strategy and will make you very famous a whole lot faster.

You must keep a careful eye on every single mention of your name and make sure that you control that situation totally. For example, let’s say some dumbarse has the nerve to think your opinion was stupid. Now, you could just think, “Oh, too bad,” and move on. You could think “I wish I’d written smarter,” and move on. You could think, “Well, huh, it seems smart enough to me, so oh well, I guess my blog just wasn’t right for that person,” and move on.

ALL OF THESE ARE WRONG. If the above is your instinct, you are Not Ready To Be A Real Blogger.

The correct response, as everyone knows, is to firmly step in, tell the reader first of all that you see her review, and that she has been remiss in her duty to you by actually forgetting that she is not the person who matters in this little transaction. You are. Explain to her not only why she is wrong about your opinions, but that she was wrong to say such mean things about you as well, because who does she think she is?

Remind her that her opinions only matter insomuch as how they relate to you and your feelings. She should be happy you’ve done this, as it will make her see how much you care.

“But,” you say, “That’s fine for some readers. But what if the reader actually, like, made a joke in her comment? What if she said more than one bad thing about my blog? What if she was actually morally and intellectually bankrupt enough to hate it? What do I do?”

Well, of course, not every bit of advice is fit for every situation. Sometimes you must be stricter with those morons. It’s perfectly okay to call them names if they hurt your feelings–after all, our teachers on the playground told us not to do that, but we learned that calling the other girl a poopypants meaniehead made us feel better, didn’t we? And if it was good enough for your five-year-old self, it’s good enough for you now.

This is why you must control every word said about you everywhere. When a reader posts a comment s, it’s like an insect flying into a spider’s web; it sends little vibrations through the whole entire internet and within thirty seconds every reader in the whole world has read that comment and decided they love or hate you based on it.

But you know what else will make them love you? Standing up for yourself. Aggressively. Now we’re getting into the advanced promotional techniques, so I warn you: some of this may seem a little strange. But bear with me. You’ll be glad you did. Because really…


Trust me.


Your mission is to get some dumb little bitch to change her opinion of you / your blog, right? You can’t have people seeing that YOUR opinions might be stupid. I mean, this is your raison d’etre! Don’t they understand it’s their obligation to make sure you earn acclaim through writing this blog? Jeez, you’d think they had their own families to take care of or something, or their own lives to live. Selfish, selfish, selfish, that’s all they are.

How do you do that?
There are a number of ways.

We’ve already covered responding yourself. This is a good and right thing to do. Not just because it will show that moronic reader who really matters, but because it will draw attention to you.

Remember, attention is the name of the game! The more people see you, the more people who will immediately rush out to read your blog.

But what if you did, and the reader is too stupid to be grateful that you have turned your Glorious Bloger’s Eye onto her, and allowed her to bask in its gentle Sodium Glow of Truth. Trust me, she’s posting her review just to get your attention.

Readers are attention whores, see. They pretend they’re just trying to engage you, but really, they are desperately trying to steal your own Internet Fame. (There is only so much internet to go around.) Do not fall for their claims that this is just their opinion (we know that’s not true, due to them being stupid) and especially do not fall for their claims that they have a right to their own opinions. They do NOT.

See, in addition to their sheeplike, easily led “brains” (I know, it makes me giggle too), readers are sometimes incapable of accepting your superiority over them. This is because of their own silly insecurities, their tendency toward attention whoring, their sluggish pea-like minds, their lack of morals, their denial of responsibility, and their sick, sad need to put other people down just for achieving something they could not themselves achieve. I repeat: if readers were so damn smart they’d write their own blogs. Am I right? Of course I am! I wouldn’t steer you wrong.

Tomorrow we’ll get into the nitty-gritty of the battle. Don’t forget to come back, and learn everything you need to know about vanquishing those idiots who have questioned your blog and crushing both their free will and, hopefully, their personal lives. It’s nothing less than they deserve.

Thank you for your attention.
(Do I have to spell S.A.T.I.R.E. out for you?)
(with special thanks to Stacia Kane)

Thursday, September 13, 2012


It is noticed that the awfully tiresome AA has resurected herself.

And threatens to keep on doing so should she be removed.

It's a bit like Rocky re-runs.

All the same old bad know.

In the meantime, THIS blog is clocking upwards of  850 views a day at the moment - a vast improvement on the almost nil a week or two ago. Oh, I know this does not compare with the incredible view stats Absurdia claimed - but for a paltry and poorly written blog with no interest content that's not a bad start. They're clocking in from Geneva, from California, from Denmark, Germany, the UK and all over Tanzania, inter alia. I aim for 1000 views a day. That will be sufficient unto itself.

A proud moment for this writer. Although it does mean I might have to bestir myself somewhat with posts. Perhaps not, though - even with absolutely no posts and certainly none of interest or shining brilliance Tia, Baby! seems to have the world in thrall.

I put that down to my hero-ism on the aforementioned blog where, if ignored or questioned in anyway, the nutter writing it resorted to what would be perfect studies for  a PHD thesis on psychosis, varied and sundry.

In the absence of my erudite presence on that case-study's blog , I would suggest the newly resurrected AA site ought to be renamed: Absurdia: Conversations with Self.

Off to drink tea, now

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Seems AA is MIA...

...and so be it.

Google has closed her site down - and for me that's mission acomplished.

I barked up trees to be annoying - mission accomplished there, too, I believe...Shan't bother with her anymore...

And we Arushians can get back to our lovely little lives quite happily now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh, Bummer....

It would appear that my most ardent fan, The Acerbic Arushan, has had her blog spot shut down....poor thing.

Can't imagine why?

Her arguments that her death threats and pornographic bullshite posts against people are "strategic jokes" obviously haven't held water.



Anyway, people - don't despair overmuch - you can come and play with me: although I cannot promise you anything as remotely "fascinating" as her stuff. You will recall she did inform me on several occasions that I cannot write, my style is boring and....oh, well, just that nothing matches up to her.

Dear Old Absurdia has "moved on"....perhaps, though, it was not google that shut her down...but she herself: anxious to remove any vestige of her threats and libel....

.....what I COULD do, if Readers felt like it - is copy and paste some of her more "entertaining"stuff in this blog. I have a complete record of each and every single blog posted AND all comments made - by her, anyone else - and, naturally, yours truly...

I intend producing some of the more...umm...choice my legal suite against her. I cannot begin to tell you the psychological stress I have been under since she instructed my staff to "stab me in the face with a machete"'s too horrible for speech...and I crave restitution.

I am one step away from having a name put to my idea of who AA really thrilling.

I did promise her I would not be posting her name on HER blog for all the world to see (moot now anyway, given it has...umm...vanished)...however, I left a caveat there: my blog and info posted on it is an entirely different matter...

TIA, Baby...

Watch this space.