Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh, Bummer....

It would appear that my most ardent fan, The Acerbic Arushan, has had her blog spot shut down....poor thing.

Can't imagine why?

Her arguments that her death threats and pornographic bullshite posts against people are "strategic jokes" obviously haven't held water.



Anyway, people - don't despair overmuch - you can come and play with me: although I cannot promise you anything as remotely "fascinating" as her stuff. You will recall she did inform me on several occasions that I cannot write, my style is boring and....oh, well, just that nothing matches up to her.

Dear Old Absurdia has "moved on"....perhaps, though, it was not google that shut her down...but she herself: anxious to remove any vestige of her threats and libel....

.....what I COULD do, if Readers felt like it - is copy and paste some of her more "entertaining"stuff in this blog. I have a complete record of each and every single blog posted AND all comments made - by her, anyone else - and, naturally, yours truly...

I intend producing some of the more...umm...choice my legal suite against her. I cannot begin to tell you the psychological stress I have been under since she instructed my staff to "stab me in the face with a machete"'s too horrible for speech...and I crave restitution.

I am one step away from having a name put to my idea of who AA really thrilling.

I did promise her I would not be posting her name on HER blog for all the world to see (moot now anyway, given it has...umm...vanished)...however, I left a caveat there: my blog and info posted on it is an entirely different matter...

TIA, Baby...

Watch this space.


Anonymous said...

Well done Kerry. Good Work. Be sure to post her name as soon as you get it and I will buy you a drink next time I see you.

One thing though, I'm not sure her blog is completely gone just yet. I just did a search and found this:

Kerry-lyn said...

looks as if we might yet have that coffee I suggested oh-so-long-ago, Absurdia....thanks for letting me know you have a new blog: not new info...but it will be gone just as smartly.

keep watching this space...

TIA, baby!