Sunday, September 30, 2012


…wtf is going on?

Seriously. Wtf is going on here?

It seems like almost every day we have yet another bit of crapola from Absurdia acting like a …I don’t even know what a good analogy is. Like a vindictive and victimized  fool delighting in making other people feel bad. She has and does claims this is justified, that she is Taking A Stand.

So let’s get this straight, and let’s say it in boldface so there is no mistaking it:

You are not Taking A Brave Stand when you “out” people on the internet, no matter how rude or nasty you may think that person has been. You are not Exposing Their Crimes At Great Risk To Yourself. You are not a Miraculous Crusader For The Rights Of Others. You are not Karen Silkwood. You’re not even Woodward & Bernstein. You’re just an idiot with no perspective, to be honest. Your inflated ego and your illness allows you to dismiss your idiotude.

And you should be ashamed of yourself.

Ever hear the phrase “Two wrongs don’t make a right?” Why don’t you think for a minute about what that means? Even IF we take what you write as a defense of your “actions” at face value…

How exactly is “outing” people on the internet HELPING anyone? How are you making yourself look like anything but a miserable, bullying piece of shit? How are you doing anything but making the tension in reader-writer relations and the community at large WORSE?

You’re not a hero.

You’re a hypocrite.

Apparently “outing” people from behind the veil of anonymity. Yelling at people for daring to express opinions while behaving as if every word you type is precious and golden. Deciding it’s your place to attack people you deem “bullies.”

You think you’re “the good guy” here - that the answer is to jump in and out-disgusting the people you feel are disgusting.

Actually, the answer is not to forget your responsibilities to other people.

The answer is not to create websites so full of vile slime and attacks, websites that deliberately try to disrupt lives and could potentially incite violence. Websites that “out” mothers with children in their homes and potentially encourages people to harass them, that offer cash to the first person who carries out an act of violence, that potentially destroy careers and livelihoods – websites that turn the stomach and then pat yourself on your smug back like you’ve just Scored One For The Good Guys.


You are, in fact, the opposite of that.

And on the back of that: I have said I will put the name of Absurdia (aka Acerbic Arusha 1 and 2 (and 3 hanging in the wings) on my blog when I know who this person is.

I am almost 200% certain of who this is.

However, despite the threats I will “OUT” this person on my blog – which were, in effect merely a means by which to keep Absurdia making constant hits on my blog so information could be garnered, I will not.

I will not become Absurdia.

The answers will be sufficient unto themselves ultimately and I need not go any further.

The end.

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