Thursday, September 13, 2012


It is noticed that the awfully tiresome AA has resurected herself.

And threatens to keep on doing so should she be removed.

It's a bit like Rocky re-runs.

All the same old bad know.

In the meantime, THIS blog is clocking upwards of  850 views a day at the moment - a vast improvement on the almost nil a week or two ago. Oh, I know this does not compare with the incredible view stats Absurdia claimed - but for a paltry and poorly written blog with no interest content that's not a bad start. They're clocking in from Geneva, from California, from Denmark, Germany, the UK and all over Tanzania, inter alia. I aim for 1000 views a day. That will be sufficient unto itself.

A proud moment for this writer. Although it does mean I might have to bestir myself somewhat with posts. Perhaps not, though - even with absolutely no posts and certainly none of interest or shining brilliance Tia, Baby! seems to have the world in thrall.

I put that down to my hero-ism on the aforementioned blog where, if ignored or questioned in anyway, the nutter writing it resorted to what would be perfect studies for  a PHD thesis on psychosis, varied and sundry.

In the absence of my erudite presence on that case-study's blog , I would suggest the newly resurrected AA site ought to be renamed: Absurdia: Conversations with Self.

Off to drink tea, now

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