Friday, October 19, 2012

Anyone stop to think...

...that in refusing to publically post my statement (and names of people involved) as demanded of me by The Acerbic Arushan I am still standing by my word that I would not put the person's name out in public?

Right or wrong, guilty or no - I said I would not do it. And I will not.

That my daughters are now taking the punishment (in the form of the nude pictures with their faces montaged onto them by The Acerbic Arushan and posted on her blog) FOR the fact that their mother will not made a public spectacle of this matter  - nor of that person is not only true - but also unfair.

Not on me, arguably: I may deserve whatever I get - but on our daughters.

Is it fair that they should pay the price for the fact that, as strange as it may seem, I am sticking to my promise to Acerbic Arusha and will not put names out on a public forum "for all the world to see"?

It seems there are some who feel it completely fair.

That there are some people in this community who have bandwagoned on the back of that and have opinions on me and /or my mothering is a sad indictment on the inabaility of some people to grasp the nature of fairness and keeping one's word.

I can't help those reactions in those people- and I certainly will not be cowed by them, either.

Yes, it may well be my fault for taking it as far as I did - and for not backing down. I wont be bullied. Not now and not ever.

I do not expect those of you in our community who are chosing to support the negative views being put about on my parenting methods to understand the full weight of the sacrifice made in not publishing the suspect's name...

That I might suffer for what my actions might have brought to my daughters is true: it does weigh on me - but, again with their love and endorsement, I say I will not be bullied - and I will not give in to the The Acerbic ARushan's blackmail and publically name anyone involved - not even that of the suspect.

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