Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Letter to Sheep...

TO all and sundry reading this blog and / or commenting on Absurdia's blog:

Far be it from me to protest too much on any perverted point that anyone may wish to raise
 - however,
 - and this is huge HOWEVER...

Should you be feeling your oats so wildly as to post comment about me
Dig deep
and find the balls
to put your name on your comments

If you do not have the courage to take responsibility for what you think 
or have to say by putting your own name
 to your comments / thoughts /opinions 
- be quiet.

Taking ownership for things is part of a healthy mindset - 
and, despite the furore out there, 
I have never pretended to anything or any person
other than whom I am.
And I am not likely to start now.

 Should you wish for information - damning or otherwise,
 have the common decency and the courage 
to make direct contact with me. 

Otherwise, keep your opinion to yourself 
because by employing anonymity you smack awfully much of the AA herself
 - anyone can be a hero and take a stance from that cowardly standpoint.

Until then - grow some.

As I signed, always, on that blog...

Kerry-lyn Radloff


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