Monday, November 26, 2012

But, Acerbic.....

A Going-Nowhere Rhyme

One little 
Two little 
Three little 
How many little ?'s
does it take
to be sure?
Three little 
Two little 
One little 

Have you not yet figured out that I really don't care about several things:

1. Your audience.
 I don't want or need it. Unlike you, I don't need sycophants to make me feel
a whole lot better about myself.

2. Your opinion of me.
You are hardly showing any degree of smarts when you state the obvious about me.
Call me fat - what an astute observation. Pillock.
I have a 4 year old nephew who made the same observation.
We have covered this before - I am impervious to your crap.
Knock yourself out.

3.  Your attitudes.
I will not be cowed by you.
You are a vile and vindictive arsehole. Of monumental proportion.
Do I need to remind you that you have thrown your "worst" at me and I did not cave?
You are a bully and a fool, Acerbic.

4.  Your opinions on my writing.
I do not need your critique.
It will be a cold day in hell before I value the opinions of one such as you
on my blog content.

I don't write for attention. You, on the other hand, are an attention-whore.
I do not write for a literary award.

I wrote to be able to track you, initially. And I did.
I only write to annoy you. And I do.

Mission accomplished.
Times Two.

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