Thursday, March 21, 2013

Post to ACERBIC ARUSHAN: joining the dots

Having posted this on Absurdia's blog, I am now posting it here as well....FOR THE RECORD

& for the information of those wondering about my persistence in asking Absurdia t go into more detail about the book she mentioned I had written.

I'll leave YOU all to join the dots yourselves....

Absurdia - I am breaking "my silence" on THIS blog for one single reason: you wrote in your blog about me that I "have written a whole book..."

I want you to know that you have made a cardinal error in mentioning this.

There are only TWO people who know about this book/ manuscript and who have seen it.

NOT ONE other person has ever seen this book or has any idea what it may be about - NO ONE else even knows I have "written a whole book"...unless one of the two has been chatting about I trust, the other admits discussing it with someone you may  know...

Now one just has to join the dots...

Very stupid of you to have made mention of my  "whole book", Absurdia - incredibly stupid.

1 comment:

Kerry-lyn said...

Precisely my point, idiot - trust no-one.

Standard response from you: but you confuse what your little group of acolytes has to say about me with what most people actually think and say. And as one should not be bothered by a bunch of idiots who will take the fall with you when it comes, I really am not moved by their stupid nonsense.

Trust no-one? Right...and the point is: TWO people only have seen the book - both might have chatted, to be sure, about it - ONE admits talking to someone linked to the whole investigation into the AA blog.

It doesn't matter which ONE it was or even BOTH: the point, stupid, is that the book is the source and the trail from it and those who had access to it narrows the whole process of tagging YOU out of a possible myriad of people.

carry on tho - by all means: your delusional self adoration and the the absolute nonsense you write / think is laughable.

Joining the's never been easier. And YOU did that all by your little malignant self. BRAVA!