Saturday, March 9, 2013

At long last!...A True Critic.

Absurdia observes in her latest blog post:

"Kerry wrote a whole book all about how she feels sad cos she's not getting fucked as often as she'd like.

Kerry dear, by the time I get finished with you you'll think you've been fucked by a train."

I am not so much impressed nor concerned by her second line. It's that one about my book that I need assistance with.

Ever astute, profoundly possessed with smarts and the font of all things right, true and talented, Absurdia once offered a critique on my published poetry anthology - and dismissed it, in short, as utter bollocks.

I would be most interested in hearing some more astute comment from you, Absurdia - tell me a bit more about my book and where I went wrong with it, would you, oh exalted critic.

What exactly is wrong with my plot? Is it my protagonist - how could I improve upon this character? Perhaps it is the title?

Which part of the work really didn't work for you? 

I do mean REALLY DIDN'T work - there must have been some part of the book that was truly out of kilter - elucidate upon that, pretty please.

Perhaps your advice on this will help me to better appreciate the value of the not-so-subtly-implied threat of your second line as shown above.

It's really hard finding truly talented comment - people can be such sycophants, you know.

Possessed as I am of a nasty suspicious mind I might think you base your opinions upon a sort of "professional" envy...

But in you I may have found - at last, a true critic.

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