Hi "Mtega"
I see you have graced my blog with your presence today again.
You have no doubt seen my email address - I'll give it again so there can be no mistaking it:
As a blogger /journalist of integrity I am sure you would be interested in more details than you had for your blog with re: Acerbic Arushan 2 - which has been, no doubt because of caution from the blogger, so tame by comparison with the spite, vitriol and blatant death threats, impersonation, crudity and flagrant untruths posted gleefully and at will by the same blogger on Acerbic Arushan.
Yes, it has been removed. Yes, one can access cached screen dumps of the various posts - but if you are interested in the content of posts made on these blogs by the Acerbic Arushan that support all of the above aspects of violation - I have them all on record and would be happy to share.
And given that you made free use of a direct link to a blog on my page in which I made flagrant use of the same satirical tone I have used in all communications with the blogger AA, perhaps you owe me the small courtesy of real journalistic integrity in going to source?
Yours sincerely
Kerry-lyn Radloff
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Dear Kerry-lyn,
I am a blogger, as you know. I write on a range of subjects, including the Tanzanian media.
My recent post about the Acerbic Arushan blog (http://mtega.com/2012/09/26/not-in-front-of-the-servants/) followed several others on issues of media freedom in Tanzania. I wrote it to clear up a misunderstanding that was doing the rounds as to why the original AA blog was closed down: that it was closed down by the Tanzanian government, which it was not.
What I did not do, as you will see if you read by post carefully, was say anything either in support of or against what has been posted on the AA and AA2 blogs.
I seem to have upset you by linking to your blog without contacting you first. But that is standard practice in blogging circles, even considered a compliment to the person linked to. The linking culture is part of what makes blogging effective - you can be fully transparent about your sources. If I had referred to your blog without inserting a link (which incidentally is what you have done in this post), or used the link as anything more than an example of the Arusha expat community defending itself, you might have grounds for complaint.
And for some reason, you even seem offended that I visited your blog. I don't understand this point at all. Why write a blog if you don't want people to read it? I can only conclude that this was some kind of veiled threat - that I should be careful as you're watching me.
Finally, you offered to share copies of all the blogposts from AA1. Thank you for this offer, but I am confident that I can see all I need to see from Google cache, etc. If you think I was wrong to reach the conclusion that AA1 was closed down by Google rather than by the Tanzanian government, then I would be interested to hear more, otherwise I don't intend to have anything more to do with this case.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Taylor
Dear Ben
Noted, with thanks.
best regards
Would you contact me, please.
With apology for my tone - it was not intended as a threat in any shape or form. Am a bit clueless as to blogging protocols... this blog was started for another reason, really. (You'll see I opened the blog in about 2008 and then never wrote....it eventually formed part of something else)
I am a little cagey and overwrought at present and will use this to explain my tone, again with apology. I admit to "using" your name as a means to prove a point - that it's a simple thing to track activity on one's blog. This is related to the above.
with thanks
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